Business Entrepreneurship

Elevator Pitch Tips From A Business Rocker

Whether you’re trying to raise capital, promote your business, or endorse yourself, it’s necessary to have an elevator pitch. Your elevator pitch needs to communicate your message quickly, accurately, and distinctly to someone who doesn’t even know you. A good elevator pitch takes planning and practice to deliver it fast, on the spot, and under pressure.

Yes, rockers, you only have one minute. The time it takes for an average elevator ride, to explain yourself, your goals, your passions, and your business. Your listener knows none of these things. Are you prepared to deliver an awesome message? Can you present your visions smoothly, seducing your audience to know more exciting details about you and your business?

You might have wondered about the awe-inspiring ability of smooth talkers who can speak their way straight to your wallets. Well everybody has the ability to develop these skills because any skills can be learned.

Personally, I have struggled with low self-esteem throughout my teenage years because I have always been different from my peers. As a result, I ended up suffering from stage fright.

Today, I am as confident a speaker as I can ever be. And I think I pretty much rock on stage.

Based on my humble experience, these are the simple steps I continuously follow whenever I do my pitch. Be it inside the elevator or in the inevitable after-conference cocktails that I always attend.

I call it the elevator pitch wheel, it’s shown in this article and you can read more about it here

Describe what your mission is:

Here is where you state your value, phrased as an impact. It may help organize your thoughts by thinking of this as your tag line.

Describe what makes you stand out:

Now’s the time to show the exclusive benefits that you and your brand bring to a business. Show what you do that is different or better than others.

Describe how you serve:

What is it you really do? In detail. So many times I have overheard conversations at conferences where a person basically tells another person, “I think it sounds awesome! But what is it you really do?”

Always keep your message simple, authentic, and personal. Avoid jargon, trendy buzzwords, or business-speak. Your listener has sat through all those boring meetings, has attended those seminars, has read those books. You want to be memorable, and that means using your words.

Be passionate yet flexible. Listeners may be fascinated by your business logic, but your passion will create an even stronger impression. Now, if your listener wants to clarify something, be ready and willing to go in a new direction.

After all, the elevator pitch is designed to start a conversation. If that conversation starts sooner than later. Well done. Your pitch has worked perfectly.

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