When you get ill and you’re on government funds, you’re forced to shut commercial things down. Things such as blogs as well as your long tail keyword tool.
Back at the end of April 2014, I decided that I couldn’t run this blog while being sick. I unsubscribed to a lot of services that I have been using throughout the years running henrietteweber.com. One of the services that I lingered the longest was unsubscribing to Hittail, which was my long tail keyword tool.
A lot of bloggers obsess over their Google Analytics/stats.
Since I subscribed to Hittail a couple of years back, it has been a daily stat obsession. I am eager to see what keywords henrietteweber.com could lead to itself. I realized that adding more content to my keywords will enhance the link building and page ranking.
So here I was again today, signing up to Hittail. Looking forward to seeing what those mighty Google keywords brought in. I had to set Hittail up in Google Webmaster Tools again and I was ready to roll.
I love the idea of being able to see what words bring you the most traffic, in an easily digestible format. A lot of people that I know of simply use google analytics for this, but being able to see the search keywords/traffic coming in, in real-time, thrills me.
So what’s my approach to using Hittail as inspiration for content?
I only use it once every week or so to amp up my page rank on a given search. Normally I will map this out strategically with one search term every second week. But I also need to make sure that my key values in business and all of my creative concepts + books are being found via search terms on Google.
How many times do you need to use a given search term in your blog post in order for it to show up on Google or Hittail?
Honestly, I don’t know. I went to the creative brand design site of online marketing a long time ago. However, I found that the Yoast SEO plugin works wonders in order to get your articles found on Google. I wouldn’t even qualify as an SEO novice, but I find that Yoast and Hittail in combination actually take care of most of it. It didn’t require me to spend too much time on it. I’m sure SEO could be much more useful for me. But, I simply don’t have the resources to use more time on it, or even have a dedicated person looking at it a couple of hours a week.
So I’m super happy with managing my long tail keywords through Hittail and I am sure that most small business owners and other bloggers would be as well.