Happy IWD rockers! Some people are having a hard time understanding my concern about climate change. To some people, I am seen as aggressive. I just choose not to engage with some people. A lot of people are concerned about climate change. But they would rather see climate activists calm down a bit. Having a teen daughter who tends to have a bit of climate depression, I don’t think there’s time to be calm for me personally. Right now, seeing how countries around the world are reacting to the coronavirus, made me think. “Why aren’t they doing the same around climate change?” Or maybe what we, as a global society, will learn from facing the coronavirus will be a stepping stone on how to deal with climate change as a global society because we will be faced with dealing with it sooner or later.
Activistic and Educated Women: An Impact on Climate Change
There are more reasons for women than ever to join the cause for climate action. It has also been documented in project drawdown that the best way to help the planet is to invest in women and girls. Today, more than 130 million girls are denied the fundamental right to attend school and lay a foundation for their lives. Why does this matter for climate change? “The difference between a woman with no years of schooling and with 12 years of schooling is almost four to five children per woman.”
It’s super interesting to see that a lot of climate action is conducted by women. In fact, I found a Swedish research paper called: ‘A Green Fatwä’ – Climate Change As A Treat To The Masculinity Of Industrial Modernity’. I believe it calls for female leadership in the era to come. Even though right now female leaders within the climate field are being met with a lot of opposition.
I wish you all the best International Women’s Day.