37signals published the E-book ” getting real” in 2006 – it evolves around the tasks that need to be done to make a successful web application. Now, I haven’t got that much experience in making web apps ( especially since I don’t code).. but ThomasKay was continuously telling me that I had to read it because it would change my life and the way I looked at projects.
So I did.
It was great.
You have to read it.
Anyway, there’s a lot of the tasks and processes that can be used in creative ways, and especially related to the web – for me especially related to Toothless Tiger.
Now what thrills me about the web nowadays – and why I am involved with it, I guess is the spontaneity of it all. There are so many projects in beta waiting to be commented on and shaped to their further development.
You can actually shape things to your liking. isn’t that fantastic?
and not only web app’s you can actually shape your world.
so what did “getting real” teach me ? that I don’t need to hesitate with my projects – I can actually post my ideas ( or projects) on a blog/wiki/community) and have the instant first ideas from the people there.
Now if the critism is non-constructive and I am met with a – “this has already been done before” – I LISTEN, and if I don’t agree or think that the survival of the project is likely not to happen in this area, I simply change the community. new ” target group” if you will…
Sometimes my ideas are so far out that no one gets it.
Sometimes I put too much responsibility in the hands of the readers/participants…
what’s important to me is that I learn – and I know things for the next crazy idea…
I don’t need to wait until some widget is developed, it can be putted on display from the beginning, and I do normally have a good sense of whether I should continue with the project or let it go.
so spontaneity is important for creativity and this is what the web gives me.
feedback and answers… FLOW if you will.
and if you haven’t read “getting real” I would say it is a must.