Business Launching Trends

Let me hear you say “SoLoMo”

So when I was sitting in front of the stage at le web day 2 – listening to the “money” panel – which normally is one of the Best discussions of le Web – if you Are a startup, I got that feeling again. the “omg I know now what to guide people and companies to do with their brands – digital wise. Anyway, the panel is five guys (who happen to be some of the world’s top venture capitalists) sitting on a couch talking about money in the startup world.

THIS IS KEY TO KNOW IF YOU’RE A STARTUP LOOKING FOR MONEY. Because they basically spill the deeds on what they are investing in – which to some extend also signals what will be developed in the startup community within the next couple of years.

They give it all to you- saying what it is they are looking for In a startup and what characteristics you need to have before you’re relevant to them. Super important information.

This year they are saying “SoLoMo” – which also is the subject line for the le web conference. “SoLoMo” is an abbreviation for “Social”, “Local” and “Mobile”. So this is where the money primarily is going to be spent within the next 1 or two years. I think it’s an exciting trend because it holds a lot of possibilities – both offline and mobile – but not so much for the web. Can it really be that we are starting to develop more to connect people in general instead of developing for the web? I think so. Is the World Wide Web on a decline? Maybe not so much yet – but something tells me that it’s a very likely scenario in the near future. that is kind of exciting.

I saw this presentation today on google + about lean-back media and the shock of the old:Lean back media: the shock of the old presentation from emmaturner

Which I also think says something very relevant about the offline/local/mobile transition.
Could it be that laptops will turn more and more into an advanced typewriter where all the reading and the playing and interacting is done on tablets? a likely scenario again =)

Anyway a huge pointer from here – and a real exciting one.

rock on

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