
5 Tips On Building Your Personal Brand Strategy

Do you have a personal brand strategy? If not, get going because you need to think strategically about your personal brand. Here are some tips of mine to start off:

Base your brand on who you are now, and not only what you want to be.

You have to start somewhere. One thing that defines us in the business world is our titles, which to a lot of people means what you have achieved. If you don’t know who you are right now – ask around. List 20 people who’s degree of knowledge around you are different from one another and ask them how they see you and why. Then take action from there and create your brand day by day, word by word, shout by shout and message by message.

What can’t you shut up about?

When I started out there was one thing I knew for sure around my brand. I could keep talking and come with ideas around entrepreneurship and people starting to think the action in as a part of their business – and how to use social media to amplify it a gazillion times.

Focus on the taglines

Even though logos are important, taglines are even more so, these days. You can keep mentioning them in a different context and create more content around them daily. You can even print them on t-shirts if that’s your thing.

Important IS urgent

Stephen Covey wrote in his book seven principles of highly successful people (one of my favorites) that you have to focus on the things that are ‘important-not-urgent’. When it comes to personal brand strategy, important IS urgent. You need to focus your brand on the larger pieces of content and concepts and what you want to be known for.

Don’t be that super proactive person (only) on social media

I see a lot of this these days. People are snapping, tweeting, and IG’ing and updating social media all the time, but there’s no catches or hangers for people to find out more. One of the things that people mostly say about me is that they found me on social media, but what really caught them and made them sign up was my content on my website – how I wrote. How helpful I chose to be.  What I initiated. You can dilute a brand by not thinking it from one end to the other.

rock on

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