
Purpose is the best currency

We do like cold hard facts right in the business world, right? More than branding. More than purpose. it’s so interesting that we, have this urge to collect a lot of data to find security in that our actions are the right ones. Then when the data is collected – we forget about it, or […]

Activism Substance

Buzzword Bingo won’t get you where you want to go

If buzzwords end up being something you’re using as a value, you can really move mountains within your industry. You will finally be able to show that you practice as you preach. We have seen it various times with different businesses and startups that have dared to be <insert favorite buzzword here> as a part […]

Business Substance

Buzzword Bingo won’t get you where you want to go

If buzzwords end up being something you’re using as a value, you can really move mountains within your industry. You will finally be able to show that you practice as you preach. We have seen it various times with different businesses and startups that have dared to be <insert favorite buzzword here> as a part […]