Impact Sustainability

Combining Technologies For A Better Future

Have you ever thought about how combining technologies can be applied to the best future for humanity? The key to a more sustainable world lies in a better understanding of how we can contribute positively to the wellbeing of the planet. And I think I found one of many keys for that, through extensive reading and rearranging my creative curls.

I have been getting more and more into astrology as a pathfinding tool for myself. The reason is that I am going through some personal massive changes, where everything is ending and everything is up for grabs. It’s massively liberating but at the same time, it’s a bit scary and intimidating. Some of my favorite people to consult with when it comes to astrology is Mystic Medusa and Hare In the moon Astrology- they both have some amazing input and very unique ways of doing astrology.

Ancient as well as cutting edge

They have both been writing about the bridge between ancient and new. Two years ago I began a huge self-development process. I have been on my own path to find out what ancient technologies I had to integrate into my life. One of the most ancient technologies I have been working a lot with is creativity as well as nature. There’s a part of me that constantly wants to make a bonfire or climb a mountain. I constantly want to create art. I want to use some of these ancient technologies with new technologies. This could be anything from the internet, business skills, and community building as a way of creating.

The combination of technologies, the combination of ancient and new makes me stand more firmly in myself. It makes me more idealistic and raises my ideas (aka my livelihood) into new spheres. It makes me trust myself for more impact on the world, for new paths. How about you? How are you going to be combining ancient and new?

rock on

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