Sometimes you surprise yourself. I for sure have in 2019. Everything suddently pointed towards learning to take care of myself, and so that begun sometime in the spring.
Category: Uncategorized
You see that bit in the tagline on the blog header where it says “odes to life?” I want to tell you about my pain and gain. A brand new aspect of me that I have been in doubt about sharing with you all. I need to though. A new layer to me, one might […]
Building strategic relationships on social media are only an introduction away Have you ever thought that people, in most cases, get a whole new world of leads and strategic relationships opened up to them when they connect with someone on social media? Ah! the smell of lead generation in the morning. If we pause our […]
Numb from very high ambitions?
Wanna work around my concept “Inner business bliss”? here’s my soulsearching entrepreneurial story: A couple of months ago I was talking to my husband on skype, as we normally do on occasion during a workday. That particular day I had been working consistently on the business without paying so much attention to anything else, a […]
Sometimes in business you have to come to terms with what you’re actually doing and how everybody else is doing things. We need to question what we’re doing and why we are actually doing it. We need to define how we do great work, to make great work easier for us. Kind of like who […]
One of the things I have worked with as an entrepreneur over the years is manifestos. I think they are dead important, both to the people who see them because they stand strong, but also for me to get my head around what it is that I actually think and feel about a given subject. […]
The zen of Return on Involvement
In these days of over-hyped social media, where everyone is grasping to digital as the next new goldmine, and everybody is a social media consultant or expert or whatever. There’s often two words that comes to mind: SLOW DOWN. Seriously. Slow down. I could write some buzzline here saying “it’s not about me it’s about […]
So in these times with the “new Facebook” I think it’s important to touch upon the influencers in this glammed-up world known as the social web. In this social web where identities are polished to be liked and adored and well.. social. Where influencers and identities are fragments of the truth for branding success (and […]
I started thinking about creativity again. On my morning run in the forest. I have been trying because it shows what genuine desires people have. There are so many people in there who wanted to do music or write a book. “Be more creative”. Why do people want to be more creative? Why is […]