Branding Launching

That Old “I Should Totally Build a Brand Around This Idea” Feeling

I think it’s sad that people are so in doubt about what kind of personal or corporate brand they can be. The kind of brand that is aligned with them. A brand is something that should be closely aligned with your identity or personality. I totally get where you’re coming from. When I read some […]

Entrepreneurship Launching

Making A Living of Your Passion: Baby Stepping To An Empire Of You

Making a living off your passion, is it possible? Is it even possible for ALL of US to have our passions be our main source of income? Can you make a living off of your passion and build an empire of you? Sure, we’ve been hearing a lot of stories about how a few lucky […]

Business Launching My Visionairy Concepts

Get Your Own Personal Business Mojo Going

I want to consider putting some serious effort into your business mojo. The quick-high of the beginning of a business creation As a business owner, sometimes you have a great product that you’re super-excited about and you just can’t wait to present it to the Whole Wide World. Your nights are filled with wonderful dreams […]

Business Launching Trends

Let me hear you say “SoLoMo”

So when I was sitting in front of the stage at le web day 2 – listening to the “money” panel – which normally is one of the Best discussions of le Web – if you Are a startup, I got that feeling again. the “omg I know now what to guide people and companies […]