So everybody is head over heels about pinterest. So am I. Even though I normally say “nevermind the the tools, it’s about how to connect with the people+businesses that uses them” I think pinterest is super fun. It’s not boring and community-setup like Facebook and Twitter and what have you. Pinterest is different. But do […]
Category: Creativity
Screw Epic! I’m going for easy
I talked to a friend on the phone today and I told her that when the week began I had decided to make this a book writing week – my daughter is at my in-laws for a winter holiday so things are pretty quiet around here, which is awesome for writing. Anyway now it’s Wednesday […]
Yesterday it happened. I was standing in the kiosk on Snekkersten Station waiting for the train to get to the Toothless Tiger headquarters in Copenhagen. As usual, I start browsing the ladies’ magazine aisle – looking if there was anything that could suit my need for instant inspiration. But I thought about it and I didn’t […]
Next week Media Evolution The Conference, one of the coolest digital creativity conferences, is taking place in Malmø. Yesterday, the always awesome Joakim Jardenberg wrote the first piece in a blog relay to put focus on some of the conference sessions, today it’s my turn (yay!) and tomorrow I’m handing the baton to Helen Alfvegren. I’m looking forward to attending The Conference […]
If not… you should! When you do business development you tend to create a lot of strategies based on your target group(s). When you strategize around the web you should make the core of your marketing strategy the product. I always make them the perspective of the strategy because it’s a fun way of working, […]
The woman with the evil plan
I get a lot of ideas. Some of them are really huge, some of them too huge, and some of them are put into a context that I can carry out on a daily basis and still have a huge perspective. I thought I would write a blog post about how I make my evil […]
There’s a quote by Harry S. Truman called ” It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn’t matter who gets the credit”. To me, it’s obvious that this quote is from another time and space. Getting credit matters. Because in this time and space, getting credit matters. Giving credit matters as well. […]
I’ll be the first one to tell you “ I love unicorns and rainbows as well as sequins, glam, and rockn’roll. I love childhood and dolls and everything that’s magical and has its own universe. I love to travel because it means that I get to go through different universes and meet different people. And […]
An undefined creativity manifesto
This is a manifesto I did the morning after the creativity workshop at Lift07 – warning, I was in flow when I did it… you cannot define the “spark of creativity” – sometimes it’s there sometimes it’s not – live with it creativity changes on basis of what culture you’re exposed to (and coming from) […]
37signals published the E-book ” getting real” in 2006 – it evolves around the tasks that need to be done to make a successful web application. Now, I haven’t got that much experience in making web apps ( especially since I don’t code).. but ThomasKay was continuously telling me that I had to read it […]