Social Media Trends

Twitter vs. Jaiku – and is “what we do?” the next big thing?

So lately I have been Jaiku’ing away on my lovely N70, I really enjoy it a lot. yesterday I found out that I could add my Twitter RSS feed to my Jaiku account So both my contacts in both communities are covered – excellent… I don’t know which one I would choose – I think […]

Books Creativity

creativity is “getting real” on the web

37signals published the E-book ” getting real” in 2006 – it evolves around the tasks that need to be done to make a successful web application. Now, I haven’t got that much experience in making web apps ( especially since I don’t code).. but ThomasKay was continuously telling me that I had to read it […]


why am I opposed to “women in Tech” panels

this spun from a conversation between me,Dannie Jost, David Galipeau and Laurent Haug, at an oldschool incredibly good portuguese restaurant in Lissabon, during the Shift conference.I think the way ahead for all of this, is not to do female or male events, but actually look at people as people. Individuals in Technology actually . Nothing […]

Creativity My Visionairy Concepts

The difference between innovation and creativity

Ah, the difference between innovation and creativity! I will only argue my point of view from a technology perspective ( hence, it is not said that it can’t be used elsewhere)… if you look up innovation on wikipedia you will see this = “the process of making improvements by introducing something new“ if you look […]

manifestos My Visionairy Concepts

The silent revolution manifesto

here it is. my silent revolution manifesto: The silent revolution is a movement WITHIN people to cope with the everyday information overload due to consumerism and marketing. Nowadays we get so much information that there is no way that we can cope with it. Not convinced? take a look at your inbox, or television or […]

Business My Visionairy Concepts

Toothless Tiger – we only build cool stuff

TK and I have since the birth of our baby girl referred to her as a “toothless tiger”. It suits her very well. Because she seemed dangerous even though she didn’t have any teeth. Now she’s just a curly tiger, with teeth, and she bites occasionally. BUT Mads Christensen (one of the it-men in danish […]

Social Media Writing

Why should every company have a blog ?

Inspired by Sigurd Rinde Today I will try to answer the question “why should every company have a blog”. Sometimes you have to ask yourself whether or not you should be using new tools in your communication. A blog is one of those new communication tools. Here are some of my observations: When you do […]

Creativity Writing

Share my enthusiasm for creativity

A part of me is extremely creative and actionable. It’s almost like a lot of my ideas come from a huge enthusiasm for creativity that triggers creativity that again generates more enthusiasm. How awesome is that? Some days I would even say that I am inside my enthusiasm for creativity “bubble” for hours on end. […]


Who controls the conversation around women in media?

I have been doing some deep thinking again around who control the conversation around women in media. It came from the danish women network, Morgendagens Heltinder, where some of the members are real busy telling the network when they are in Danish magazines. With a lot of glam and glitter. Frankly I am so very […]


Why do people want to be more creative?

I started thinking about creativity again. On my morning run in the forest. I have been trying because it shows what genuine desires people have. There are so many people in there who wanted to do music or write a book. “Be more creative”. Why do people want to be more creative? Why is […]